Utricularia Blanchetti
Utricularia blanchetii is about as dramatic as miniature terrestrial bladderworts can get. This gorgeous species blooms heavily, with the largest displays forming a thick forest of dense purple blooms. Most terrestrial Utricularia bear tiny flower stalks with a single dainty flower at the top, but U. blanchetii bears up to ten. Dense colonies of it can create an outstanding display, and we suspect that in aquascaping this species may have great merit.
Flowers are lavender colored with a yellow tinge at the center, apron-like, and with a prominent spur in the back. Stalks are up to 5 inches high. The species spreads quickly through the soil.
With terrestrial Utricularia, bladder-like structures along the plant's roots capture small animals in the soil, such as nematodes, small worms, and springtails.