Seachem Flourish Phosphorus 250mL / 8.5 fl. oz.
Seachem Flourish Phosphorus is a top of the line potassium phosphate supplement designed specifically for use in delicate planted aquariums. Phosphorus is one of the main three main macro nutrients, alongside nitrogen and potassium, that are required by aquatic plants, with their absence becoming a limiting factor to healthy growth and development. This safe (4,500 mg/L phosphate) solution provides essential phosphorus as well as taking the guess work out of maintaining accurate phosphorus dosing in your freshwater aquarium.
To make things even safer, Seachem Flourish Phosphorus is nitrate free and allows aquarists to dose phosphorus according to the specific needs of the plants within your aquarium, all without worrying about the risk of overdosing nitrates. When used as directed, the solution will accelerate the growth of plants without contributing to a boom in algae production. Completely safe for all fish and sensitive invertebrates such as shrimp.
Use 2.5 mL (half a cap) for each 80 L (20 US gallons) of aquarium water once or twice a week or as needed in response to signs of phosphorus deficiency (e.g. stunted growth, plant dark green).
The beginner dose raises phosphorus by 0.05 mg/L (0.15 mg/L phosphate). The ideal phosphate level will vary from tank to tank, but it generally ranges from 0.15-1.0 mg/L. Use Seachem MultiTest Phosphate to monitor phosphate levels.
To target a specific phosphate increase, ensure dosages are according to the following formula: 0.8vp = m, where v = volume of tank in gallons, p = desired phosphate increase and m = volume of product to use in mL. For example to raise 20 gallons to 0.1 mg/L phosphate you would use: 0.8*20*0.1 = 1.6 mL.
To make things even safer, Seachem Flourish Phosphorus is nitrate free and allows aquarists to dose phosphorus according to the specific needs of the plants within your aquarium, all without worrying about the risk of overdosing nitrates. When used as directed, the solution will accelerate the growth of plants without contributing to a boom in algae production. Completely safe for all fish and sensitive invertebrates such as shrimp.
Use 2.5 mL (half a cap) for each 80 L (20 US gallons) of aquarium water once or twice a week or as needed in response to signs of phosphorus deficiency (e.g. stunted growth, plant dark green).
The beginner dose raises phosphorus by 0.05 mg/L (0.15 mg/L phosphate). The ideal phosphate level will vary from tank to tank, but it generally ranges from 0.15-1.0 mg/L. Use Seachem MultiTest Phosphate to monitor phosphate levels.
To target a specific phosphate increase, ensure dosages are according to the following formula: 0.8vp = m, where v = volume of tank in gallons, p = desired phosphate increase and m = volume of product to use in mL. For example to raise 20 gallons to 0.1 mg/L phosphate you would use: 0.8*20*0.1 = 1.6 mL.