Juvenile Pac-Man Frog
The Pac-Man frog (Ceratophrys ornata) is a low-maintenance and attractive terrestrial frog species native to South America. Their ease of care makes them a very popular pet species.
Fully-Grown Size: 6”
Lifespan: 6 years
Housing: 20 gallons
Temperature: 78F - 82F, heat pad may be used to supply heat to half the enclosure
Humidity: 60%-80%. A water dish large enough for the frog to soak in should be provided.
Temperament: Generally docile, but may be aggressive during feeding. Should not be handled frequently, as the oils from our skin is harmful to them. Must be kept solitary. These frogs are poor swimmers, and should not be kept with deep water.
Feeding: Small insects such as crickets are a staple. Adults may eat earthworms, and pinkie mice as a treat.