Black Neon Tetra
The Black Neon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi) is a small species of tetra native to Brazil. They have light bodies, with a distinct black and white stripe from nose to tail. This species also has red eyes.
Minimum Tank Size: 10 Gallons
Maximum Fish Size: 1.5"
Water Temperature: 73F - 81F
Ideal pH: 5.5 - 7.5
Water Hardness: 2 - 6 dGH
Temperament: Schooling species, peaceful. May be timid in too small of a school.
Unless experienced with fish-in cycling, we always suggest cycling an aquarium BEFORE adding fish. Adding fish to a fresh, un-cycled aquarium can kill them rapidly. We offer free water testing at our physical location, and advice via email or call.