2HR Aquarist APT F Fix - Algae Treatment


Especially effective for BBA, hair/string/fuzz and most forms of filamentous algae.
Gently biodegrades completely. Spot-dose up to 1ml per 10L every 24 hours.

APT Fix cleverly targets the fundamental weakness of algae- their comparatively less developed protective cell walls. When spot-dosed, it instantly arrests algae growth while allowing plants to recover.

No Copper - Most algae treatments use compounds that contain Copper, which is a powerful biocide. The problem is that copper, like other heavy metals, accumulate over time and do long term damage to the tank's ecosystem. APT Fix uses an active compound that biodegrades naturally within 24hours, with no nasty residues.

Dominant Plant Mass - The best natural defense against algae is a healthy dominant plant mass. Tanks with a lot of exposed, un-planted areas are far more susceptible to algae, in the same way that fertile open fields invite weeds to grow. Aim to have at least 70% of the substrate planted. Plants are like trees in a forest. With the right conditions, they naturally out-compete algae.

Top Algae Magnet - The top algae trigger is organic waste and decaying matter. Never over-stock a tank in its early months. Livestock waste contributes significantly to algae issues in new tanks (< 3 months old). Regularly change water the 2Hr Way and remove old/ decaying leaves. Stem plants require replanting of the healthy tops after trimming once or twice. Old deteriorating stems invite algae to bloom.

-Will it kill fish/ shrimp?
APT Fix does not harm healthy fish, shrimp and other livestock within its recommended dosage. Of course, if you keep very sensitive livestock, you should avoid all products that give you any concern.

-The colour of my apt fix is not clear?
APT Fix should be clear / grey in colour. During production, a purple dye is added as part of the manufacturing process, but fades quickly. If your bottle appears purple or off-white, don't worry- the colour would fade soon. The efficacy of the product is not affected by the change in colour.

APT Fix should be used within 2 years of opening / first use.

3% Epoxy Adelhydes
