Green Keel-Bellied Lizard
The Green Keel-Bellied Lizard (Gastropholis prasina) is a brightly-coloured lizard native to Kenya. These lizards are energetic and curious, making them amazing display animals. Our Green Keel-Bellied Lizards are still growing!
Fully-Grown Size: 16” from snout to tail tip
Lifespan: 10+ years
Housing: 36”x36”x18” for a fully-grown specimen
Temperature: A basking spot of 90F-95F should be provided, with an ambient temperature between 72F-80F. A UVB source must be provided during the day.
Humidity: 60%-80%. The enclosure should be sprayed with dechlorinated water on a daily basis.
Temperament: These lizards tend to be skittish when held, though can be tamed to accept food from their owner’s hands.
Feeding: These lizards are insectivores, and do best on a varied insect-based diet. Calcium and vitamin dusting should be provided for most of their meals.